Sunday, March 13, 2011

true milestones.

Tuesday: finished assembling our closet. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Closet on left. IT IS MASSIVE.

Not closet-related, but note our adorable light fixture!

Wednesday: bought a dining room table and some speaker stands that will be utterly unique and fantastic. Photos to come, when the darn things get here. 

Thursday: Mike left for Nigeria. Spent rest of day doing laundry.

Friday: went to my first by-myself movie: turns out you get assigned seats. The popcorn was good, though. Then went home and made some killer guacamole.

Saturday: bought my first skinny jeans. The tag's still on, though, so I can RETURN THEM. Stewart took his first foray out onto the balcony, in harness. He didn't seem to mind it so much, but the leash was very exciting for him. Here he is trying to eat it.

Also Saturday, realized it was Zurich's version of Fasnacht, which boiled down to lots of small children in costume, flinging confetti everywhere, and brass bands roving the city (also in costume). They were pretty fun.

These guys were terribly, but enthusiastically, playing 'Tequila'.

A pretty decent calypso band...looking like they just played Carnivale in Venice. Go figure.

These guys were FUN and GOOD.

They played 'Sweet Caroline'. Go trombones.

...and were perched on one of the bridges looking south towards the lake. 

I saw several other costumed groups throughout old town, but these were the only ones I heard. There was also another band playing somewhere in close proximity to my house, but I couldn't see where they were. They were ALSO terrible, but they played 'Play that Funky Music (White Boy)' with such gusto! I took a really awful recording of it with my phone, but am not smart enough to figure out how to post it here, so you'll just have to ask me about it the next time you see me. In conclusion, it was all fairly silly, but fun. (Next year, we'll have to go to Bern or Basel or Lucerne to catch one of the BIG celebrations. Supposed to be like Mardi Gras, but without the floats, nudity, or beads. Ok, so it's really just fancily-costumed marching bands and street parties, but whatever.)

Today: Mike came home. Fixin' to eat some delicious omelettes. Pizza for dinner. Life is good.  =)


  1. What a great closet! Can anyone have too much closet space? Your light is cool, too! I'd be interested to hear why the bands like to play American rock and roll. Yeah, we like it, but it can't be part of their cultural history, can it? It really is fun, so I can't blame them and I'd love to hear them! Really glad Mike made it home safe! Love you guys!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, that street party sounds fun. It does make me miss New Orleans. I haven't checked in for a few days. I'm so glad life is good! :) Love you!


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