Wednesday, June 8, 2011

another day, another German test.

Once again, I'm pretty sure I didn't fail. Yaaaay...?

In other news, I was supposed to go to Paris tomorrow or Friday to meet Mike, who is on his way there, right now, to help with the office there...but that fell through. So. Because I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'm going to subject you to 8 or 10 million photos of things other than our recent trip to Italy. I'll post those when I'm good and ready and not resentful or irritated. Here we go.

First, plants and garden-related items.

Back around Easter: this beautiful little church yard full of flowers. The ground looked like it had rained pink from of all of the flower petals fallen from tree. It's kinda blurry and tilted 'cause it was dusk and we took it with Mike's phone. But really beautiful.

These should look familiar: columbines! They have quite a few colors here that we don't in the Southwest. And the ones here are a little less elegant. Still, though, a taste of home.

Ahhh, gentian, how I love you. Reminds me of climbing mountains.

And now, to the Botanic Garden! They have there SO many things that I've never seen! This weird little trailing plant, which looked like some cross between an evergreen and a succulent, suddenly had these CRAZY crab-claw-shaped flowers on it. Neat.

Slightly more colorful than the last photos I posted of this place.

Foxglove almost as tall as me. Amazing.

The carnivorous plant enclosure. I can only presume that they're locked in here to prevent them from eating small people and/or animals.

GIANT pitcher plant. Who knew they had actual flowers...?

Sundews. This photo is terrible 'cause it's through glass, but I love how you can see the teeny little sticky hairs on the plant leaves. Take that, bugs.

Of course...Venus Flytraps. I didn't know they produced flowers, either. So pretty!

The little guys in the foreground are a type of Pinguicula, or butterwort. Basically a succulent with sticky leaves. And also pretty flowers.

Maybe also some other sort of sundew? This little guy was actually outside the cage. Joggers, beware.

No idea what these were, but I love them. I think because they look like candy to me, and I love anything edible, and anything resembling something edible.

This was about the size of my palm, and there were TONS of them on this tree.  

The Swiss flag, planted in verbena and Edelweiss. Nice touch.

Roses that look like they've been attacked with pinking shears. Finally. Someone went ahead and did what I'd been thinking.

This photos is for my sister, Grace. Super deep purple irises.  :)

Maybe my favorite flower ever. Giant blue poppies. Saw them at Longwood and thought they were unique to the conservatory, but no. Here they are. Sigh.

This cat has a collar and is therefore someone's, but I've seen him roaming the gardens now at least 3 times. Garden kitteh.

I love the pond with the frogs.

And I'm guessing this is why the tadpoles were suddenly and drastically reduced in numbers over a week or so...

More blue flowers. I'm a sucker for blue flowers.

These poppies were fantastic because A) they had fancy edges; and B) they were larger than my entire hand. WOW.

And now, assorted miscellanea.

I saw this driving on the sidewalk one day on my way to German class. So awesome.

HA, HA. I love this sign. Some people have a scenario, but these guys have a salad.

Our friends Sarah, Tom, and Ian. This was Tom's and Sarah's goodbye picnic: they have just moved to the San Francisco area. Note that Tom is drinking out of Sarah's shoe, and this is early in the evening. We didn't get a chance to get to know them very well, but we will certainly miss them!

No, your eyes do not deceive you. This is, in fact, a gas station/high-end kitchen store combo. Awesome.

Ha, ha. Toi toi. Isn't that what you call it when you're potty-training children...?

This is what 9:30 at night looks like, in late May, when you're this far north. It's downright weird. Will post again during the summer solstice!

Ned and Stewie on the new cat tree. It's official: we're those cat people now.

View over the Limmat River from the Lindenhof. Old-town Zurich: love it.

The Grand Dolder hotel. This thing is GIANT and is near the top of the mountain east of our street. We had no idea it was there.

I've seen lots of these, and I can only assume one thing: they're fire escapes. I might just take my chances with the fire, thank you.

Our living room, as it stands now. Yaaaaaaaaay, purple carpet!

My wee balcony garden, before I maybe possibly did my best to kill the hydrangea. At least the jade is still happy.

And last, but certainly not least, my super-dignified cat, Stewart. Napping with style since March 2011.

What I'm reading: just finished The Count of Monte Cristo, which was maybe the longest book I've ever read. Or at least, it felt that way. It was super long, and much darker and more melodramatic than I was expecting, and, once again, mostly nothing like the movie, but still a pretty good read, especially once Dantes started revealing his true identity to his friends and/or victims. That was the good stuff. 

Next, finished Bossypants--Tina Fey's book--in two nights. Also a good read, but not quite what I was expecting... I think it was maybe because I was expecting NBC-grade Liz Lemon, and got the R-rated version instead. But she is, in fact, 100% Liz Lemon, and her storytelling skills are pretty fantastic. (I especially love any story involving Amy Poehler, who is my current hero. In real life, he's married to G.O.B., for crying out loud!) 

Next on tap: Water for Elephants. I held out as long as I could, but when I saw the movie preview set to that song Cosmic Love (by Florence and the Machine--no idea why, but I am a sucker for that song!!), I kinda broke down and decided to read the darn thing. It's gotten fantastic reviews, anyway, so we'll see how it goes.

Oh yeah: and one more teensy little thing. Mike's new baby is here.

It's not the best photo, 'cause I took it in the dark, but you get the idea. We love our Bimmer bikes.  :)  And don't worry, Mom: we'll be as safe as always. We have temporary gear now, and will bring our regular stuff  back with us in August.

And that's a wrap, for tonight. When I'm not feeling so petty, I'll post Italy photos. Sorry, kids, but I gotta wallow in a little self-pity, for now. It'll all be better tomorrow when I can go out and buy chocolate. TTFN.


  1. Even though you're not feeling so chipper, thanks for the flowers!! I love those royal blue gentians and BLUE poppies! I've never seen them in that color--it's amazing. :D I'm definitely a sucker for blue flowers too! I also love the stripey frog, the salad (wonder just of what it's comprised...and why... The sign makes me want to read it in an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent.) and your super-colorful, modern living room! Green & purple & black = awesome. I would feel so chic curled up on that couch. ;)
    Thanks for sharing, even when you're not so happy. It's still a ton of fun to see what all you've been up to! I sure miss you guys and can't wait to see you! Love you Sarah!

  2. Oh, Sarah, the flowers are stunning! All of them! I'm sorry you didn't get to meet Mike in Paris, but chocolate seems like an almost fair substitute (don't tell him I said that...) I'll try not to stress over the bike. Does it have a back rest for you? Kittehs look happy on the new perch/post! I'll be looking forward to your Italy pics! I love you so much!!! MOM


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