Wednesday, February 2, 2011

all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go...

I am not, however, standing here outside your door. You're welcome for that.

Another hard goodbye last night: had dinner with Jensen and CA and Thierry (and JJ and Dayne) out at the Silver homestead. Jensen absolutely, and without reservation, makes the BEST BURGERS EVER. I think Mike might have cried on the way out the door, but I can't be sure: it was so cold that any tears may have frozen solid to his face. (Yup, it's STILL cold in lovely Denver.)

At any rate, all of the stuff we're taking with us is in tubs, ready for the shipping company. We have a total of 5 suitcases and 3 cats ready to hit the road. Who's terrified for the 24 hours ahead? It's me! It's me!


  1. Thanks for the plants Sarah. I promise to love them dearly. See you next week!!! ;) No goodbyes here!

  2. so excited to hear about your adventures in Europe! and SO SO SO jealous too. looking forward to reading it on the blog.

  3. Safe travels, Sarah! Hope your new place is awesome!

  4. I love you, sis! I am still praying for all five of you guys. I don't care what time it is when you land, I want to know you're safe. I love you!


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