Friday, February 18, 2011


It's official: I am sick. The good news is, it's FAR too cold and gray to want to go outside, so here I sit, coughing, sniffling, and looking at language schools. If I don't start learning German soon, I'm probably going to stop leaving the house altogether: it's just too exhausting to try to figure out what's going on around me all the time. I feel so terrible when some earnest, pleasant person is speaking to me, and all I can do is ask (poorly) if they speak English. Not to mention the fact that ALL signage here is in German, with just enough of a smattering of English words to remind you that you are, in fact, NOT in on the joke. (Or the conversations. Or the advertising. Or the multitude of letters we've received from the state, the property management company, the bank, etc., etc., etc.) I'm getting my money's worth out of Google Translate, and getting SICK of it at the same time. (Hmm...maybe that's why I feel so cruddy right now...)

1 comment:

  1. Sad days! :( I sure hope you get to feelin' better soon!! Are the drugs from the pharmacy helping at all? (At least you have an excuse to have a hot toddy or two!) ;)
    I remember how exhausting it is getting around when you can't read the signs and such. I would get these adventure cravings, so I'd go explore and shop, but after about ten minutes, I was ready to go home again... I promise it'll get easier!! What kinda language classes are you looking at?

    Love you lots and lots!!


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