Wednesday, February 16, 2011


That's what Karaoke from Hell was. Singing quality fell into two groups: those who were not terrible, and those who were phenomenal. And by phenomenal, I mean OUTSTANDING. The band was fantastic, and a good time was had by all, but it will take a little rehearsal and maybe a week or two for me to get up the guts to get on that stage...just don't want to fall into the "not terrible" category.  ;-)

P.S. - Not feeling much better today, but at least the pharmacist down the street speaks English and was kind enough to recommend some drugs for me. THANK GOODNESS FOR BILINGUAL PEOPLE.

1 comment:

  1. sorry you are feeling sick. if it makes you feel better I'm sick here too. no...does that NOT make you feel better?

    go get some some good indian food. hmmmm kheer!


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